EAM DENTAL Primer Online

Did you know that acupuncture channels flow through teeth in discrete circuits? When approaching diagnosis and treatment of the most severe, chronic, debilitating, and non or slow responding patients it is important to look at the complete picture. Medical doctors don’t look inside the mouth, while dentists don’t look outside the mouth. This gives the […]

EAM Advanced Online

You do not want to miss this opportunity to be immersed in this branch of Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM) which is focused on axial (spinal) diagnosis and treatment. Through immense study, effort, and time investment Dr. Steiner was able to extrapolate, test, and refine all the gems from several mentors in order to bring to licensed […]

EAM Masters Course

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine Masters Course Online This Masterclass uses the knowledge and skills that students have previously acquired from the foundations course, and builds upon this wisdom to dramatically increase the EAM skill set. Day one will be focused on EAM Scalp inputs. Scalp needling will be taught, practiced, mastered, and tested to ensure competency. Day […]

EAM Foundations online

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine Foundations Course Online This elite class forms the foundation of Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM). EAM is a form of health care that is rooted in Traditional Oriental medical concepts and freely blends the usage of electricity to modulate the production and release of all-natural super powerful neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. It consists of diagnosis and […]