Teeth are often the overlooked health issue in many chronic illnesses. The teeth are located on and fed by acupuncture channels. This course will give a short but powerful protocol for diagnosis and treatment of the most common dental issues that occur on a daily basis in the clinic. This is the accompanying video course that goes along with the free pdf ebook which was released. It contains an updated ebook that is filled out with more information.
*Diagnose the Teeth from an Acupuncture Channel Viewpoint
*Implement powerful clinical protocols
*Learn how, when, and why to refer your patient out to the dentist.
Upon Completion Practitioners should be able to:
- Explain EAM medical paradigm and how it can apply to the practice of acupuncture.
- Explain as many diagnostic variables that you can remember of the big picture.
- Explain the 6 steps to treating dental issues using EAM.